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Welcome to the Table for Eight website. We just launched some new updates on our site and we have a few more pages that are being completed. We apologize that this information is not ready for your review. Please check back for more information about our media success soon or feel free to call our friendly staff. We look forward to the opportunity to introduce you to some fabulous new faces!

We look forward to the opportunity to introduce you to some fabulous new faces!

Regina, Jessie & Juliet
The Table for Eight Team

















The table is set...
the drinks are poured...
and we're reserving a spot
just for YOU!

Table for Eight introduces arranges compatible groups of singles by age, lifestyle, education & professional level and background for an evening of great food and friendly conversation. Each dinner you attend increases your odds offering the chance to meet 7 new people that spark new dating, social and dining experiences that always makes a great night out. What are you waiting for? Make something happen today!